Atlanta |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 74. ENVIRONMENT |
§ 74-510. Stormwater consultation meeting.
When a development, redevelopment or demolition of a site that meets at least one of the applicability criteria found in section 74-504(a) is proposed, the owner, developer, engineer, or agent shall participate in a consultation meeting with the department of watershed management to discuss the post-development stormwater management measures necessary for the proposed project, as well as to discuss and assess constraints, opportunities and ideas for stormwater management designs utilizing green infrastructure and runoff reduction techniques. The owner, developer, engineer, or agent shall receive a consultation meeting certification at the conclusion of the consultation meeting. This consultation meeting shall be held prior to approval of a preliminary plat or the submittal of an application for a permit in accordance with the following procedure:
The department of watershed management shall schedule a consultation meeting within five business days from the date a written meeting request is received by the department of watershed management, office of site development.
Failure of the department of watershed management to schedule a consultation meeting within the time required by this section shall waive the requirements of section 74-510(a) and a copy of the written meeting request submitted to the department of watershed management, office of site development by the owner, developer, engineer, or agent attached to the permit application shall meet the requirement of the consultation meeting certification in section 74-509(c)(1).
If no consultation meeting is requested or attended by the owner, developer, engineer, or agent prior to the submittal of a permit application, the department of watershed management may delay review of the permit application until such meeting is held; provided however that when the land development activity involves only an application for the erection of a structure governed by Chapter 16-28A of the Zoning Code, the requirements of section 74-509(c)(1) and section 74-510(a) shall not apply.
To assist the department of watershed management's review of the land development project and to assist the applicant or responsible party with the creation of a stormwater management plan, the following information should be submitted prior to or at the time of the consultation meeting:
Existing conditions/proposed site plans. Existing conditions and proposed site layout sketch plans, which shall illustrate at a minimum: existing and proposed topography; perennial and intermittent streams; mapping of predominant soils from soil surveys; boundaries of existing predominant vegetation and proposed limits of clearing and grading; and location of existing and proposed roads, buildings, parking areas and other impervious surfaces.
Infiltration rates. Infiltration rates shall be determined by soil surveys, on-site soil analysis, or percolation test. If a site has been previously developed or graded or contains urban soil types, a percolation test is required.
Natural resources inventory. A written or graphic inventory of the natural resources in existence prior to the commencement of the project. This inventory shall address resources both on the site and in the surrounding area that is or may be impacted by the project. This inventory shall also include a description of soil conditions, forest cover, topography, wetlands, and other native vegetative areas on the site, as well as the location and boundaries of other natural feature protection and conservation areas such as wetlands, lakes, ponds, floodplains, stream buffers and other setbacks, including but not limited to drinking water well setbacks and septic setbacks. Particular attention should be paid to environmentally sensitive features that present constraints for development.
Stormwater management system concept plan. A written or graphic concept plan of the proposed post-development stormwater management system that identifies the scope and magnitude of the project and related stormwater requirements, and identifies how stormwater better site design techniques will be used to reduce the need for structural stormwater controls. The plan shall also include: preliminary selection and location of proposed structural stormwater controls; location of existing and proposed conveyance systems such as grass channels, swales, and storm drains; flow paths; location of floodplain/floodway limits; relationship of site to upstream and downstream properties and drainages; and preliminary location of proposed stream channel modifications, such as bridge or culvert crossings.
(Ord. No. 2004-56, §§ 2—4, 9-15-04; Ord. No. 2013-05(12-O-1761), § 8, 2-13-13)