§ 6-245. Reemployment of pensioners.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any officer or employee of the police departments of such cities who has applied for and been granted a service pension shall be eligible for reemployment or reappointment to any position in the government of such cities, provided such person has not reached the age of 70 years, such reemployment in any position to terminate at the end of the year in which such person reaches age 70. Such reemployment shall be made under the provisions relating to reemployment of former employees as now provided by law or ordinance, except that such reemployed person shall not acquire any civil service rights or any further pension rights during such period of reemployment, shall not be paid a pension during such period, and shall not be required to make any contribution to the pension fund during such period of reemployment. The payment of his pension shall be resumed as of the date of termination of such period of reemployment. No such reemployment shall be effective until the person to be reemployed under the provisions of this section shall execute and deliver to the comptroller of any such cities a contract agreeing to the conditions hereof.


    Nothing herein contained shall prevent any retired officer or employee of the police departments of such cities from holding any position which is filled by an election by the people. No additional pensions or civil service rights or privileges shall accrue to such officer or employee during such period.


    The provisions of this act as amended shall not in any way affect or restrict the rights, powers and privileges of an emeritus officer of such cities who now or shall hereafter hold an emeritus office pursuant to the provisions of any law or ordinance establishing same.


    Whenever by contract with a city or one of its agencies, boards or commissions, a retired person, regardless of age and as an independent contractor, agrees to perform a special or particular service, as may be now or hereafter allowed by law or ordinance, then such person, during the term of such contract which shall not exceed one (1) calendar year, shall be entitled to continue to receive his or her regular pension payments, but shall not acquire any civil service rights or any further pension rights, and shall not be required to make any contribution to the pension fund; provided however, no such contract shall be effective until a fully executed copy of such contract, in which such retired person agrees to the conditions hereof, has been delivered by such person to the secretary of the board of trustees of the pension fund.

(1961 Ga. Laws, page 2885, §§ 1—3; 1969 Ga. Laws, page 3394, § 1; 1970 Ga. Laws, page 2348, § 1)