§ 16-35.010. Development controls.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Bulk limitations. (Refer to Table A: Summary of density and open space requirements).


    Maximum permitted floor areas without bonuses . The standard ratios in Table 1, "Land use intensity ratios" (section 16-18.007) shall apply:


    MR-1 : Floor area shall not exceed an amount equal to one hundred sixty-two thousandths times net lot area.


    MR-2 : Floor area shall not exceed an amount equal to three hundred forty-eight thousandths times net lot area.


    MR-3 : Floor area shall not exceed an amount equal to six hundred ninety-six thousandths times net lot area.


    MR-4A and MR-4B : Floor area shall not exceed an amount equal to one and forty-nine hundredths times net lot area.


    MR-5A and MR-5B : Floor area shall not exceed an amount equal to three and two-tenths times net lot area.


    MR-6 : Floor area shall not exceed an amount equal to six and four tenths times net lot area.


    MR-MU : Individual buildings shall have a maximum of 12 dwelling units per building.


    Table A: Summary of Density and Open Space Requirements

    MR DISTRICTS Maximum Floor Area Ratios * (net lot area) Minimum Open Space Requirements
    Non-residential Residential Combined Public Space TOSR UOSR
    MR-1 5% of total floor area 0.162 0.162 none none LUI ^
    MR-2 5% of total floor area 0.348 0.348 none none LUI ^
    MR-3 5% of total floor area 0.696 0.696 none none LUI ^
    MR-4A 5% of total floor area 1.49 1.49 none none LUI ^
    MR-4B 5% of total floor area 1.49 1.49 none none LUI ^
    MR-5A 5% of total floor area 3.20 3.20 none none LUI ^
    MR-5B 5% of total floor area 3.20 3.20 none none LUI ^
    MR-6 5% of total floor area 6.40 6.40 none none LUI ^
    MR-MU Not permitted 12 units/building 12 units/building none none LUI ^


    * Residential floor area may be calculated utilizing gross lot area.

    ^ LUI: Section 16-18.007, Table 1: Land use intensity ratios.



    Maximum permitted floor areas with bonuses .

    Open space bonus: Residential uses shall be permitted to calculate the floor area utilizing the gross lot area, for purposes of providing additional density based on such calculation. Developments utilizing the open space bonus shall not be permitted any reduction in open space requirements.


    Side yards . (Side yards adjacent to a street shall be treated as supplemental zones and shall meet the requirements of section 16-35.013.) Side yards not adjacent to the street shall be permitted to have private alleys or drives a maximum often feet in width, all other areas shall be landscaped with groundcover and trees.


    MR-1, MR-2 : Minimum depth of ten feet, except that the side yard may be reduced to zero feet when a residential use has no residential windows adjacent to such yard.


    MR-4A : Minimum depth of 15 feet.


    MR-3, MR-4B and MR-5B : Minimum depth of 15 feet, except that the side yard may be reduced to zero feet when a residential use has no residential windows adjacent to such yard.


    MR-5A and MR-6 : Minimum depth of 20 feet.


    MR-MU : Minimum depth of five feet.


    Rear yards. Shall be permitted to have private alleys or drives a maximum of ten feet in width, all other areas shall be landscaped with groundcover and trees.


    MR-1, MR-2, and MR-MU : Minimum depth of ten feet.


    MR-3 and MR-5B : Minimum depth of 15 feet.


    MR-4 through MR-5A and MR-6 : Minimum depth of 20 feet.


    Minimum lot size.


    MR-1 through MR-4, and MR-MU : 2,000 square feet.


    MR-5 through MR-6 : 5,000 square feet.


    Minimum street frontage.


    MR-4B : 20 linear feet.


    MR-1, MR-2, and MR-MU : 25 linear feet.


    MR-3 through MR-4 A and MR-5 through MR-6 : 40 linear feet.


    Minimum open space requirements.


    For residential uses: Open space requirements as indicated on Table I, "Land use intensity ratios" (section 16-08.007) shall be required for useable open space (UOSR) only.


    Public space requirements: None.


    Residential balconies: Balconies for residential units, which are enclosed on not more than three sides, may be counted towards UOSR for a maximum depth of six feet.


    New streets incentive: New public streets, or private streets which function as public streets may be counted towards UOSR requirements provided the following requirements are met:


    Connects two other public streets or private streets which meet the requirements of items ii., iii., and iv. below; and


    Meets the requirements of section 16-35.012; and


    The maximum width shall be 36 feet which shall include, two on-street parallel parking lanes, two travel lanes and sidewalk extensions at intersections and shall have granite curbs; and


    When adjacent to a park area, new streets shall meet all above requirements along each park edge; and


    Gates shall not be permitted across said streets.


    Connectivity incentive: Developments which provide connectivity across public rights-of-way which do not provide pedestrian access, such as railroads and freeways, may be permitted by the director of the bureau of planning to be counted towards UOSR requirements subject to the following criteria:


    Said connectivity shall be achieved through the use of public streets, private streets which function as public streets, pedestrian walkways or bike and jog paths; and


    Streets shall meet the above requirements of section 16-35.012; and


    Pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum width of six feet and bike and jog paths shall be a minimum width of ten feet; and


    Streets, pedestrian walkways and bike and jog paths shall connect to other public streets, pedestrian walkways, bike and jog paths or parks.


    On-street parking incentive: New on-street parking may be counted towards UOSR requirements provided the following criteria are met:


    No on-street parking currently exists in the public right-of-way adjacent to the project area for which credit is sought; and


    The new on-street parking is located where there is no existing street lane; and


    The on-street parking occupies an entire block face or a minimum distance of 200 feet; and


    Sidewalk extensions are provided at street intersections; and


    All other sidewalk requirements of this chapter are met.

(Ord. No. 2002-39, § 1, 5-28-02; Ord. No. 2018-11(18-O-1023), §§ 7.B, 7.C, 5-16-18 ; Ord. No. 2019-09(18-O-1581), § 6.D, 1-31-19 )