Atlanta |
Code of Ordinances |
Part 16. ZONING |
§ 16-20K.008. Specific regulations: Commercial Subarea II.
In addition to the general regulations set forth in section 16-20K.006, the following regulations shall apply to all properties located within Commercial Subarea II.
The intent of the regulations for the Commercial Subarea II is as follows:
To mitigate any negative effects that existing and proposed commercial properties may have on adjoining residential properties in the district.
To ensure harmony between existing and future uses of the properties in this subarea and the overall residential character of the district.
To discourage displacement of residents, to allow for a variety of housing opportunities that are compatible with and complementary to the architectural character of the neighborhood and to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the neighborhood.
Single and Two-Family Residential Uses. For single and two family residential uses the regulations set forth in section 16-20K.007 shall apply.
Multi-family Residential Uses. For multi-family uses the following controls and requirements shall apply:
Development Controls:
Setbacks. The front yard setback shall not be less than five feet nor greater than 15 feet. Other setbacks shall be regulated by the applicable commercial district regulations.
Bulk Limitations. Floor area ratio shall not exceed an amount equal to 2.52 times net lot area.
Maximum building heights. Buildings which are within 150 feet of a single-family or a two-family residential district boundary shall have a maximum height of 35 feet. Buildings that are between 150 feet and 300 feet from a single-family or a two-family residential district boundary shall have a maximum height of 52 feet.
Transitional height planes. Where this use adjoins a district in R-1 through RG classification without an intervening street, height within the subarea shall be limited as follows: No portion of any structure shall protrude through a height limiting plane beginning 35 feet above the buildable area boundary nearest to the common residential district boundary and extending in ward over the commercial subarea at an angle of 45 degrees.
Off-street parking requirements. Off-street parking shall not be permitted between the principal structure and any public street.
Architectural Standards. The standards outlined in section 16-20.009 shall apply as applicable.
Commercial Uses. For commercial uses the following controls and requirements shall apply as applicable:
Development Controls:
Setbacks. The front yard setback shall not be less than five feet nor greater than 15 feet. Other setbacks shall be regulated by the applicable commercial district regulations.
Bulk Limitations. Floor area ratio shall not exceed an amount equal to one times net lot area.
Maximum building heights. Buildings which are within 150 feet of a single-family or a two-family residential district boundary shall have a maximum height of 35 feet. Buildings that are between 150 feet and 300 feet from a single-family or a two-family residential district boundary shall have a maximum height of 52 feet.
Transitional height planes. Where this use adjoins a district in R-1 through RG classification without an intervening street, height within the subarea shall be limited as follows: No portion of any structure shall protrude through a height limiting plane beginning 35 feet above the buildable area boundary nearest to the common residential district boundary and extending inward over the commercial subarea at an angle of 45 degrees.
Off-street parking requirements. Off-street parking shall not be permitted between the principal structure and any public street.
Architectural Standards. The standards outlined in section 16-20.009 shall apply as applicable.
(Ord. No. 2000-20, § 3, 4-11-00; Ord. No. 2017-71(17-O-1469), § 1, 11-29-17 )