Atlanta |
Code of Ordinances |
Part 16. ZONING |
§ 16-18G.011. Residential Subareas 2 and 3: Architectural requirements.
In addition to the regulations and provisions of this chapter, and except as otherwise specifically provided herein, the following architectural regulations shall apply.
Definitions . For the purposes of interpreting this code section, the following definitions shall apply;
Neighborhood means the Candler Park Neighborhood as it exists on the official neighborhood map of the City of Atlanta.
Substantially proportional means that the element in question, such as roof pitch, scale, mass, or height, is sufficiently proportional to that found in the chosen architectural style to allow a trained observer to identify the new construction as originating from said architectural style.
Substantially characteristic means that the material in question, such as brickwork, stonework, or roofing material, reflects visual qualities that are sufficiently characteristic of those found in the chosen architectural style to allow a trained observer to confirm that the new construction is consistent with said architectural style.
Statement of intent. The council finds that the following established residential architectural styles currently exist in the neighborhood and contribute to its unique character: Late Victorian; Transitional style of bungalow between late Victorian and Craftsman; Bungalows with Greek Revival, Tudor or Craftsman detailing; American Four Square; and Queen Anne. These residential structures generally exhibit the following significant characteristics: small rectangular shaped lots; houses which are generally situated near the front centers of these lots and stand back a uniform distance from the streets; and, due to the hilly topography, many houses with low retaining walls at the sidewalk and with steps which lead up from the sidewalk. The purpose of the following regulations is to set forth basic, minimum standards of architectural design and construction that are consistent with these existing historic styles of residences within the neighborhood, as the cumulative historic diversity of the built environment is a defining characteristic of this neighborhood. It is not the intent of the regulations to limit the design of new housing to replication of existing structures, but rather to foster residential design that incorporates the historic architectural elements and materials that are specific to the neighborhood in a meaningful, coherent manner. The following regulations are intended to achieve basic compatibility with these existing architectural styles while simultaneously encouraging consistent, creative designs that are more than a mere aggregation of random historic elements, through the use of specific standards and criteria. In addition, these regulations are intended to integrate the aesthetic and physical characteristics of new construction and landscape in this area into the existing neighborhood and public park areas in a meaningful way so as to restore and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the community.
Standards and criteria. The following standards and criteria shall apply to all new construction in the residential subareas:
All new construction on each vacant lot shall be representative of a single architectural style chosen from those styles set forth in subsection (2) above.
A paved walkway from the front sidewalk to the front entry of the principal structure shall be provided.
All front façades, front porches, front steps, and front doors of the principal structure shall face and be parallel to the street.
The form and pitch of the roof of new construction shall be substantially proportional to the chosen architectural style.
The height, scale and massing of new construction shall be substantially proportional to the chosen architectural style. In no case shall the height of a structure exceed 35 feet. (See section 16-28.022 for excluded portions of structures.)
The first floor of the principal structure shall be on foundations and elevated above grade a minimum of three entrance step risers, each of which shall be no less than seven inches in height.
Front porches on the principal structure shall be required. The design and size of said porch shall be substantially proportional to the chosen architectural style, provided that they shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide or one third the width of the front façade, whichever is greater, and a minimum of eight feet deep. Front porches shall contain roofs, balustrades, columns, steps, and other features typical of the chosen architectural style. Porches may be enclosed with screen wire or glass, provided that the main characteristics of the porch such as balustrades, columns or porch railings, and balusters are visible and maintained. Front porches may extend up to ten feet into the required front yard. All front porch steps shall have closed risers and ends.
Decks shall be located to the rear of a principal structure and shall not be visible from the public right-of-way.
When any portion of a chimney is visible as a façade element, the chimney shall originate at grade, and shall be faced with either brick or stone masonry.
Fences and walls, visible from the public right-of-way upon completion, subject to the provisions of section 16-28.008(5) and the following limitations, may occupy required yards:
Fences and walls not exceeding six feet in height may be erected in side or rear yards.
All fences located in a required front yard or in a required yard adjacent to a street shall be constructed of brick, stone, ornamental iron, or wood pickets, in a manner which is substantially characteristic of the chosen architectural style.
Visible portions of retaining walls located in a required front yard or in a required yard adjacent to the street shall be constructed of stone, brick or smooth stucco in a manner which is substantially characteristic of the chosen architectural style.
If more than one retaining wall is otherwise authorized in the front yard setback, the combined height of said retaining walls should not exceed four feet.
The following aspects of fenestration, if visible from the public right-of-way upon completion, shall be substantially proportional to the chosen architectural style:
The style of the individual window.
The size and shape of the individual window opening.
The overall pattern of fenestration as it relates to the building façade.
Generally, fenestration shall be double hung.
Mechanical equipment shall be located to the side and rear of the principal structure and where possible, in the least visible location. Screening with appropriate plant or fence materials is required if the equipment is visible from the public right-of-way.
The following building materials and design elements of new construction, if visible from the public right-of-way upon completion, shall be substantially characteristic of the chosen architectural style, and shall apply in addition to all other applicable regulations:
The dimensions of the exposed face of lap siding and wood shingles.
The type of brick and pattern of brickwork.
The type of stone and pattern of stone work.
The material and texture of stucco.
The dimensions and placing of architectural ornamentation and trim. This is not intended to require the exact reproduction of existing molding profiles.
The size and type of doors.
The materials and pattern of roofing.
Visible foundation materials. Foundations shall constitute a distinct building element and shall contrast with the primary façade siding material.
Visible portions of chimneys.
Front porches, including materials, features, and steps.
Roof-top equipment such as attic ventilators, and HVAC vents, skylights, solar panels, communication equipment, air conditioner units, or any service or utilities equipment, when otherwise permitted and authorized by this Part 16, shall not be visible from any public right-of-way, provided that ridge vents may be visible from the right-of-way.
Service and utilities equipment including gas, water, electricity, telephone, furnaces, and air conditioning units, when otherwise permitted and authorized by this Part 16, shall not be located in a front yard or a half-depth front yard.
Satellite receiving-only dish antennas shall not be authorized other than by special exception by the board of zoning adjustment pursuant to Section 16-28.008 (11).
Exterior lighting systems shall be designed and installed so as to be directed towards the lot on which it is located and so that no direct light is cast upon adjoining property.
Grading shall not excessively or unnecessarily alter the existing topography of the site. New grades shall meet existing topography in a smooth transition. Erosion shall be prevented and runoff kept to a minimum.
Every effort shall be made to preserve existing trees. A certificate of compliance shall be required for the removal of any tree with a caliper at breast height of 12 inches or greater. Trees so removed shall be replaced with trees approved by the city arborist. Before any site preparation work shall begin, a tree plan shall be approved by the city arborist. This plan shall include:
Location of all existing trees with type and caliper indicated;
Location of all existing trees to be saved indicated;
Location of all proposed trees located with type and caliper indicated.
(Ord. No. 1999-63, § 1, 12-15-98)