§ 16-18P.020. Vehicular off-street parking requirements.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the provisions of section 16-28.008(7), sections 16-28.013 and 16-28.014), the vehicular parking requirements set forth in Table 7: SPI-16 Off Street Parking Requirements shall apply and are further subject to subsections 1 through 6 below:

    Table 7: SPI-16 Vehicular Off-Street Parking Requirements

    Use Minimum Spaces Maximum Spaces
    Banks, business colleges, clubs & lodges, printing. None 6.5 / 1,000 s.f.
    Dorms, fraternities, sororities None 1.0 per each 2 bedrooms
    Eating & Drinking Establishments -Indoor and Outdoor (east of Juniper) 1 / 300 s.f. 8.0/ 1,000 s.f.
    Medical Office None 4.5 / 1,000 s.f.
    Nursing homes, convalescent homes, and similar care facilities None 1.0 per each 4 bedrooms
    Office None 2.0 / 1,000 s.f. (may be shared with other uses)
    Residential None 1.25 per 1 bedroom and 2.25 per 2+ bedrooms
    Retail (east of Juniper) 1 / 300 s.f. 6.5 / 1,000 s.f.
    Shelter 1 per each on-duty staff member, plus 1.0 / 2,000 s.f. 1 each for first 2 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each of 3 or more bedrooms plus 1/3 for each dwelling unit
    Other non-residential uses except as specified in part 5 below. None 3.5 / 1,000 s.f.
    All non-residential greater than 25,000 sf Must provide a transportation management plan (TMP) including commitment of TMA support.


    Note: All zero emission, car share or carpool/vanpool (or similar) spaces shall not count toward the above parking criteria.


    Off-street surface parking.


    Shall not be located closer to a street than any on-site building façade and shall not occupy more than 50 percent of any street frontage parcel length;


    Shall be prohibited from being located within 30 feet of the back of the public sidewalk located along an "A" classified street.


    Shall be accessory to a permitted principal use only, provided that parking spaces serving another principal permitted use may use such facility for shared parking as specified in section 16-18P.020(5) below.


    Park-for-hire surface parking lot(s) as a principal use are prohibited.


    Parking structures. Parking spaces provided in excess of the parking requirements of this section 16-18P.020 shall only be allowed as park-for-hire spaces located within a parking structure. Said excess spaces shall be considered a principal use and shall first require a special use permit as authorized in section 16-18P.005. Otherwise, when the number of parking spaces does not exceed the requirements of this section, said spaces shall be permitted to be used as park-for-hire parking decks without a special use permit.


    Electric vehicle charging stations. All parking facilities shall include electric vehicle charging stations, or similar alternative fuel facilities, in a ratio of at least one station for every 100 automobile parking spaces to a maximum of 12 stations.


    For specific non-residential uses.


    Child care centers, day care centers, pre-kindergartens, play and other special schools or day care centers for young children: Such establishments shall provide safe and convenient facilities for loading and unloading children, as approved by the Department of Public Works.


    Schools, colleges, churches, recreation or community centers and other places of assembly. A minimum of one space for each six fixed seats with 18 inches if bench length counted as one seat or one space for each 50 square feet of enclosed floor area for the accommodation of movable seats in the largest assembly room, whichever is greater, plus the following maximums:


    Public or private elementary or middle school: Two spaces for each classroom.


    High school. Four spaces for each classroom.


    Colleges and universities: Eight spaces for each classroom.


    Parking, lighting, security, landscaping and maintenance. All surface parking lots and structures, whether a nonconforming principle use or accessory use, shall meet the following requirements:


    Lighting shall be provided throughout all parking facilities to equal a minimum of one-half footcandle of light. For parking structures at points of ingress and egress such lighting shall be a minimum of one footcandle of light. Where applicable, public street and other ambient lighting may be utilized to either partially or totally fulfill these lighting requirements; however, if removed it shall be required to independently provide these required levels of illumination.


    Surface parking lots: The requirements of City of Atlanta Chapter 158 Vegetation, Article II Tree Protection, Section 30 Parking lot requirements shall apply to this district regardless of the size of the lot.


    Parking facilities shall be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition with parking spaces and driving lanes clearly defined and maintained. See also section 16-28.014 for additional requirements.

( Ord. No. 2017-56(17-O-1401), § 1(Exh. 1), 10-2-17 ; Ord. No. 2018-17(18-O-1070), §§ 7, 9, 6-13-18 )