§ 16-18A.006. Use regulations.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Permitted principal uses and special permits. See SPI-1 Downtown Use Table for permitted principal uses and special permits.


    Permitted principal uses:


    A building or premises shall be used only for the principal purposes as indicated with a "P" in SPI-1 Downtown Use Table.


    For the purposes of this chapter, uses at sidewalk-level in what would otherwise be classified as an independent primary parking structure shall not constitute principal uses.


    Permitted accessory uses and structures: Accessory uses and structures permitted within this district shall include those customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures and specifically includes parking to serve authorized residential and non-residential uses within the district, as well as the electric vehicle charging stations equipped with Level 1 Level 2 and/or DC Fast Charge EVSE associated with such parking, all subject to the restrictions contained in this chapter.


    Special permits: The following uses are permissible only by special permits of the type indicated subject to limitations and requirements set herein or elsewhere in this part, and subject to the applicable procedures and requirements set forth in section 16-25.001, et seq.


    Special use permits shall be required as indicated with "SUP" in the SPI-1 Downtown Use Table.


    Special administrative permits shall be required as indicated with "SAP" in the SPI-1 Downtown Use Table.


    Special exceptions: None.

    P = Permitted Principal Use or Structure
    SAP = Special Administrative Permit Required
    SUP = Special Use Permit Required
    X = Not Permitted


    SPI-1 Downtown: Use Table

    Downtown Core SoNo
    Centennial Olympic Park Terminus Fairlie-Poplar
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Bakers and catering establishments P P P P P P P
    Eating and drinking establishments (Drive-through facilities are not permitted). In Subarea #5, any eating and drinking establishment which is defined as a nightclub under Chapter 10 of the City Code shall not be permitted within 200 feet on Ivan Allen Boulevard. P P P P P/X P P
    Laundry and dry-cleaning collection stations or plants; laundry and dry-cleaning establishments where equipment is operated by customers P P P P P P P
    Mercantile uses, to include merchandise marts and exhibit buildings for wholesale trade P P P P P X X
    Printing and blueprinting shops P P P P P P P
    Professional or personal service establishments, but not hiring halls P P P P P P P
    Retail establishments P P P P P P P
    Repair of office equipment or installations; home appliances, clocks and watches, shoes, bicycles and leather goods P P P P P P P
    Sales and leasing agencies for new and used cars and motorcycles P P P P X X X
    Sales, leasing, and repair for new and used bicycles and mopeds P P P P P P P
    Service stations and car washes meeting the requirements of 16-18A.010(5), provided that no service station may be located within 1,500 feet of another service station. In Subarea #2, shall not be permitted east of Spring Street. P P/X X X X X X
    Tailoring, custom dressmaking, millinery and similar establishments P P P P P P P
    Education/Child Care
    Business or commercial schools P P P P P P P
    Child care centers, kindergartens and special schools P P P P P P P
    Public and private schools and institutions of higher learning, including colleges and universities P P P P P P P
    Banks, savings and loan associations, and similar financial institutions, subject to Section 16-18A.014(6) P P P P P P P
    Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques and other religious worship facilities SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP
    Museums, galleries, auditoriums, libraries and similar cultural facilities P P P P P P P
    Manufacturing, wholesaling, repairing, assembly, processing, preparation, packaging or treatments of articles, foods, components, products, clothing, machines and appliances and the like uses, where heavy drop hammers, punch presses or other machinery are not used, and where character of operations, emissions and byproducts do not create adverse effects beyond the boundaries of the property and limited to 10,000 square feet. P P P P P P P
    Hospitals P P P SUP SUP SUP SUP
    Nursing homes, personal care homes and assisted living facilities SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP
    Clinics and laboratories, but not blood donor stations P P P P P P P
    Rehabilitation centers SUP SUP X X X X X
    Veterinary clinics, if animals are kept within soundproof buildings P P P P P P P
    Offices P P P P P P P


    Downtown Core SoNo
    Centennial Olympic Park Terminus Fairlie-
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Clubs and lodges. In Subarea # 5, nightclubs shall not be permitted within 200 feet of Ivan Allen Boulevard P P P P P/X P P
    Commercial recreation establishments, including bowling alleys, theatres, convention halls, places of assembly, and similar uses with primary activities conducted within fully enclosed buildings P P P P P P P
    Outdoor amusement enterprises, exhibits, entertainments, meetings, displays or sales areas, or outdoor areas for religious ceremonies less than 90 days duration
    90 days or more duration
    Sports arenas and complexes SUP SUP SUP X X X X
    Residential Dwellings/Lodgings
    Dormitories, fraternity houses and sorority houses, officially affiliated with a college, university or private school and only for the time period that such affiliation is in effect, such that loss of affiliation shall result in the loss of permission for the use P P P P P X P
    Hotels and motels P P P P P P P
    Single-family, two-family and multi-family dwellings P P P P P P P
    Single room occupancy residences P P P P P P P
    Supportive housing P P P P P P P
    Bus terminals SUP SUP SUP X X X X
    Helicopter landing facilities or pick-up or delivery stations SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP
    Independent primary parking decks or structures Located within the Parking Limitation District and subject to Section 16-
    Not located within the Parking Limitation District and subject to Section 16-
    P P P P P P X
    Independent primary 'park-for-hire' surface parking lots X X X X X X X
    Structures required for public transit but not rail yards or maintenance shops P P P P P P SUP
    Roof mounted antennas as provided for and described in Section 16-25.002(3) SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP
    Antennas, broadcast towers, line of sight relay devices for telephonic, radio or television communications when located 200 feet or more from any off-site residential district or use not in SPI-1 when such towers or devices are: Less than two hundred (200) feet in height SAP SAP SAP SUP SUP SUP SUP
    Greater than two hundred (200) feet in height SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP
    Digital industry switchboards, relay equipment, and associated power generators as principal uses SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP
    Drive-in and drive-through facilities, subject to Section 16-18A.014(5) P P P P P X X
    Farmers' market SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP SAP
    Market gardens P P P P P P P
    Urban gardens P P P P P P P


(Ord. No. 2007-71(07-O-2221), § 1(Att. A), 11-27-07; Ord. No. 2009-24(08-O-1251), § 2J, 6-9-09; Ord. No. 2011-39(10-O-1773), § 3U, 9-15-11; Ord. No. 2014-53(14-O-1278), § 2(Attach. B), 12-10-14 ; Ord. No. 2014-22(14-O-1092), § 2-U, 6-11-14 ; Ord. No. 2019-09(18-O-1581), § 2.A, 1-31-19 ; Ord. No. 2019-20(18-O-1679), § 8, 3-13-19 )