Atlanta |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 74. ENVIRONMENT |
§ 74-303. Buffer requirements.
From and after the effective date of this ordinance, no person shall conduct development within the buffers set out as follows:
City of Atlanta Stream Buffer. Streams shall have a 75-foot, natural, undisturbed, vegetative buffer measured perpendicularly and horizontally on both sides of the stream from the point of wrested vegetation.
City of Atlanta Wetlands Buffer. Wetlands shall remain in their natural state and shall have a minimum 25-foot, natural, undisturbed, vegetative buffer measured horizontally and perpendicularly on all sides of the wetland (where applicable) from the edge of the wetland as determined and delineated in accordance with section 74-401 et seq. of the Atlanta City Code. Wetlands lying in part or in whole within a stream buffer shall have a buffer that includes the extent of the wetland within the stream buffer, plus the wetland buffer.
Water Supply Watershed Buffer. The water supply watershed buffer applies to streams that are both tributary to a water supply and within a seven-mile radius of the boundary of a reservoir. A map of the Water Supply Watershed Buffer (which currently consists of the Long Island Creek Basin) shall be maintained for public inspection in the department of watershed management. The following buffer requirements shall apply from and after January 13, 2009:
A natural, undisturbed vegetative buffer shall be maintained for a distance of 100 feet measured perpendicularly and horizontally on both sides of the stream from the point of wrested vegetation.
No impervious surfaces or on-site sewage management systems shall be constructed within a distance of 150 feet measured perpendicularly and horizontally on both sides of the stream from the point of wrested vegetation.
Waters of the State Buffer. As required by O.C.G.A. § 12-7-6 and section 74-43(c)(15) of the Atlanta City Code, waters of the state not otherwise covered by this article shall have a 25-foot, natural, undisturbed, vegetative buffer measured perpendicularly and horizontally from the point of wrested vegetation.
Measuring of buffers. For purposes of measuring buffers set out in this section, if wrested vegetation is not present due to a human-made modification, removal, or replacement of the stream bank with a structure (e.g. concrete lining, gabions, retaining wall, or rip rap), the buffer shall be measured from the top of the structure or point of modification or removal.
(Ord. No. 2001-100, § 3, 12-11-01; Ord. No. 2002-21, § 3, 3-26-02; Ord. No. 2010-13(10-O-0058), § 4, 4-27-10; Ord. No. 2012-01(11-O-1840), § 4, 1-26-12)