§ 6-390. Overtime pay excluded from calculation of benefits.
Latest version.
Insofar as this article appertains to employees and officers of the City of Atlanta,
the terms "average monthly earnings," "total salary or earnings" and "total salary,"
exclude overtime pay, salary or compensation from the calculation of pension benefits
and employee contributions to the pension fund. Overtime pay, salary or compensation
as used herein shall mean any pay, salary or compensation received for services rendered
beyond regularly fixed working hours. This section shall apply to the average monthly
earnings and total salary or earnings received on and after the first pay period of
1986 for all officers and employees of the City of Atlanta.
(Ord. No. 1985-71, § 3, 11-12-85)
Editor's note—
The ordinances listed in the left-hand column below are found in the state session
laws at the location listed opposite them in the right-hand column below:
Georgia Laws
Ord. No.
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